Therapy for Parents

Being a parent is wonderful and rewarding, yet so tough and puzzling at the same time! Trust me I know. But I promise it can be as fulfilling and amazing, when you have the right tools and support.

It all begins with YOU. And being here, I can’t express how happy it makes my heart feel when parents are open to the help and guidance of a therapist. It means you understand your child is not the one to be fixed, but your family is a system (everyone is connected, and if one is not feeling its best, the rest feel it too), and a parent that holds the power to create a safe and nurturing environment, that allows a child to thrive and live a fulfilling life.

I am a Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) trained provider! (see below for more info)

Therapy for A parent can look like:

  • exploring and understanding the challenges you are seeing in your child/family

  • learning to develop positive parenting skills through a Triple P approach, and learn a positive approach to dealing with challenges of being a parent

  • understand your child/see their perspective

  • explore your own childhood, and some of the values/beliefs that you carry when you became a parent

  • explore feelings of guilt/shame and gain confidence in who you are as a parent

  • heal from your past childhood, so that you can be present and reduce being triggered by your child

  • learning skills to help you cope when you do have a negative reaction to your child’s behaviors

  • teach you how to best support your child if they are having their own challenges with their feelings

What is Triple P?

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is one of the world’s most effective parenting programs. It gives parents the skills they need to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers and to build stronger family relationships. It also helps parents manage misbehaviour and prevent problems occurring in the first place. With more than 30 years of ongoing research, Triple P has been scientifically trialled with thousands of families around the world and been found to work for most families within a wide variety of cultures, countries and individual situations. Triple P has helped more than four million children and their families in 25 countries around the world.